The University of Hamburg offers doctoral candidates at SICSS numerous funding opportunities.
State Graduate Funding Program
University of Hamburg awards annual scholarships of €1,200 per month for (prospective) doctoral candidates with doctoral supervision at the University of Hamburg. All SICSS doctoral candidates are eligible for funding. The prerequisite is that the degree program was completed with above-average grades.
Travel subsidy from University of Hamburgs corporate capital
All SICSS doctoral candidates can apply for travel subsidies from the corporate capital of the University of Hamburg. For example, to present their research work at a conference or congress.
Funding by MIN Graduate Center (MINGZ)
The MIN Graduate Center subsidizes participation in international conferences, research stays abroad and familiarization stays in Hamburg for doctoral candidates. The funding is available only to SICSS doctoral candidates from the MIN faculty.
Hamburglobal Study Excursions
Study trips can be funded with a subsidy towards accommodation costs. This amounts to €45 per person per day for all countries. The application can only be submitted by university lecturers.
University of Hamburg Equal Opportunity Fund
University of Hamburg uses the fund to support projects in the area of gender equality: gender equality, compatibility and diversity. SICSS doctoral candidates are eligible to apply as long as the projects are directly related to the topics of gender, diversity and/or compatibility. These can be teaching events, conferences, exhibitions or the support of research proposals. Preference will be given to interdisciplinary projects. A maximum of 5,000 euros can be applied for per project.
Hilde Domin-Program / Students at Risk
The Hilde Domin Program supports students and doctoral candidates who are unable to continue their studies or research in their home country because they are threatened or persecuted. Proof of the threat must be provided.
Merit Scholarship
With the merit scholarship program, the University of Hamburg aims to support international doctoral candidates who are outstanding in their field and engaged in social or intercultural contexts.
Pro Exzellenzia plus
Pro Exzellenzia plus is actively working to significantly and sustainably increase the proportion of women in management positions in Hamburg. The scholarship is aimed at female doctoral candidates (cis and trans) who aspire to a management position in science, business, administration and other institutions. Only SICSS doctoral candidates from the MIN faculty can apply.
Support and Funding by WiSO Faculty
The WiSO Faculty supports research, participation in scientific conferences, summer schools, workshops, field and research stays and proofreading of English-language texts. The maximum funding amount per doctoral candidate in 2024 is 750 euros and can be split across several projects. Only SICSS doctoral candidates who are also at the WiSO faculty can apply.
Funding for transfer projects
With its transfer fund, the University of Hamburg supports researchers whose projects create transfer products and have a concrete connection to the Hamburg metropolitan region. It thus enables the launch of transfer projects and initiatives that can subsequently make use of other funding opportunities. Up to 12 projects are funded annually with up to 30,000 euros. The funding period is nine months. All SICSS doctoral candidates can apply.