Become a member
You can apply to become a member in SICSS
- if your doctoral thesis is focused on Earth and Climate System Sciences,
- if you are selected by a competitive application process and are funded,
- if you hold a very good MSc degree,
- if your supervisor or co-supervisor is involved in CEN and its projects
If you apply for admission to doctoral procedure at MIN faculty before your application at SICSS, please be sure to complete the "Confirmation of membership in a structured doctoral program" field on the appropriate form (page 9), and let SICSS (Alexandra Franzke) sign before handover to your faculty. Please contact the SICSS Office Team for all necessary information regarding the procedure of admission.
If you are admitted to doctoral procedure before your application at SICSS, ideally, you should not have been admitted more than six months ago.
Please note, if you are a doctoral candidate working in a project of the cluster of excellence CLICCS, you have to be a member in a structured doctoral program, either SICSS or another graduate school, such as IMPRS-ESM. Please contact us immediately if you are doing or will be doing a doctorate in CLICCS.
By applying for a membership you agree that you participate in our structured doctoral program and accumulate 12 credit points over the course of your membership.
Interested individuals who do not yet have a supervisor and funding cannot apply with us.