Why choose SICSS?
Are you ready to take your doctoral journey to the next level? Our structured doctoral program, designed to support and facilitate your doctoral experience every step of the way.
- Dynamic Networking: Connect with fellow doctoral candidates and researchers from diverse scientific backgrounds, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation.
- Career Development: Whether you're preparing for your doctorate or planning your next career move, we're here to support you in navigating your current career phase and beyond.
- Interdisciplinary Education: Collaborate with peers and mentors to strengthen your research skills and broaden your academic horizons.
- International Opportunities: Enhance your academic profile and broaden your horizons with opportunities for internationalization and mobility, opening doors to global research networks and collaborations.
- Long-Term Success: Whether your path leads to academia or alternative career paths, our program is designed to facilitate your long-term success and achievements.
- Timely Completion: Our program is structured to ensure that you successfully complete your doctorate within 3 to 4 years, providing the necessary support and resources along the way.
Expand your horizons and build lasting connections through our structured doctoral program. Join us today and unlock your full potential!
Our explicit offers:
- Continuous supervision by ‘Advisory Panel System’
- Supervision Agreement
- Large networking platform in climate sciences
- 12 CP system, official Transcript of Records (ToR)
- Scientific and transferable courses to shape individual career perspectives
- Introductory course to introduce all relevant topics of climate research within SICSS
- Annual retreats, intercultural competencies, thematic excursions
- Organisational support and personal advising
- Support for individual career planning
Some facts
The SICSS Doctoral Program hosts permanently approx. 90 active candidates. Since 2008, more than 300 candidates enrolled in SICSS and more than 200 candidates successfully finished their doctoral project.
SICSS is interdisciplinary: doctoral candidates pursue their projects in more than 15 disciplines. Among these are the key disciplines of Earth and Climate system sciences such as Meteorology, Oceanography, Geology and Biology but also social sciences, economics or disciplines affiliated in Humanities. Outstanding in SICSS is the co-supervision framework, that links candidates, supervisors and co-supervisors from 3 faculties and more than 10 disciplines.
SICSS is very international: the number of international doctoral candidates that joined SICSS has grown significantly since 2008.