Postdoc Representatives
Current Postdoc Representatives
Our Postdoc Representatives are elected every two years. They represent early career scientists in the respective committees. In charge since January 2024 are:
- Anna Fünfgeld (CLICCS B2) As Speaker for Early Career Researchers Anna Fünfgeld is a member of the Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) of the cluster CLICCS.
- Matthew Johnson (CLICCS B4) Matthew Johnson is a member of the Early Career Committee (ECC) of SICSS.
A close exchange with the SICSS and especially with the postdoc coordinator, Alexandra Franzke, is given. In monthly meetings, important topics are discussed that are relevant for all postdocs and senior researchers at CEN and CLICCS.
Our goal
Our goal is to make the group of postdocs and senior researchers more visible, to getting to know and network with each other and to support the qualification phase of all postdocs and senior researchers (R2-R3).