Module Handbook
The English language M.Sc. program “Integrated Climate System Sciences” (ICSS) is part of the School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences (SICSS) at the Universität Hamburg. It has been established at the Department of Earth Sciences within the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN) in close collaboration with the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences.
The M.Sc. degree program educates students in climate system sciences, integrating elements of atmospheric, hydrospheric, cryospheric and biospheric natural sciences with economics and social sciences. The program has a focus on physics, and offers specialization in three tracks: “Physics of the Climate System” (ICSS-P), “Biogeochemistry of the Climate System” (ICSS-B) and “Climate-related Economics and Social Sciences” (ICSS-ES). The three tracks represent core scientific and educational elements, integrating student education with cutting edge research. The focus on modelling is internationally unique.
The M.Sc. program ICSS is research oriented and imparts knowledge and skills for climate research. Based on a solid background in climate physics, students will be prepared for a career in an interdisciplinary field of science. This includes the ability to communicate with colleagues from different disciplines, to apply a diverse suite of methods from various subject areas to climate-related research questions, as well as the generation, interpretation and combination of scientific results.
Course of studies
The two-year curriculum is subdivided into eleven modules. During the first semester a common foundation (research skills, mathematical and physical basics, functioning and variability of the climate system, principles of economic and social sciences) is established. The second semester is designed to broaden interdisciplinary knowledge; students are free to design their own individual tailor-made study plan. In the last two semesters in-depth knowledge in one of the three tracks is acquired. Personalized course guidance and counseling is available throughout the studies. Participation in the orientation unit for first semester students at the beginning of October is strongly recommended.
A master’s degree in “Integrated Climate System Sciences” is the basis for a subsequent career in science and research, continuing with a doctorate program. At the same time, it qualifies for a career as climate science communicator in international organizations, global enterprises and agencies. All courses listed below will be given in English and are in principle open for students of related M.Sc. programs, depending on capacities and schedule - please contact the lecturer if interested.

Detailed Overview of Modules of the ICSS Program
Please note that the information provided on this page are not legally binding and do not substitute the class schedules for the current semester, which inform on lecture times and places, as well as on other changes.