M.Sc. ICSS Theses
A selection of thesis topics of our graduates within the Master of Science program in Integrated Climate System Sciences can be found below. Please note that this listing is not exhaustive.

- Deopersad, V., 2024. Estimating detectability of phosphine (PH3) in the Venusian atmosphere using spectral modeling. M.Sc. Thesis. Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information.
- Varuna won the best poster prize at the conference "Are we a unique species on a unique planet?" in Copenhagen for her research in 2024. Find more information here.
- Rios, D., 2024. Experience of Nature: A Key Enabling Factor for Addressing Inner Dimensions for Sustainability. M.Sc. Thesis. Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information.
- Russell, H., 2024. Effects of temperature and phosphorus availability on arbuscular mycorrhiza in sycamore maple trees in the forest floor. M.Sc. Thesis. Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information.
- Gensch, L., 2023. Pesticide Regulations in European Agriculture and their Influence on the Land-Food Nexus. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Rotondo, S., 2023. Delivering climate action: A qualitative analysis of the Greenpeace Climate and Energy campaign before and after the 2015 Paris Agreement. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Kitts, A., 2023. Investigating the Impact of Microplastic Pollution on the Marine Carbon Cycle: A Literature Review and Qualitative Network Modelling Analysis. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Seidl, K., 2023. The Farmer - Herder dynamics in the Sahel under climate change. An Agent-based modelling approach on conflict and cooperation. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Ortega, V., 2023. Alternative Fuels for Containerships: A Feasibility Assessment of LNG, MeOH, and H2 vs. HFO and their Impact on Global Warming and Acidification. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information.
- Nicola, L., 2022. How does Antarctic precipitation change with temperature?. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Sánchez Guarnizo, L., 2022. Predictability and Variability of Summer Maximum Surface Temperature in Europe. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Mears, C., 2022. Using long-lived radium isotopes as water-mass tracers in the North Sea and investigating their use for tracking artificial ocean alkalinization. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Baffour, I., 2022. Impacts Of Hemispheric Surface Asymmetries On The Earth's Albedo Symmetry. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Rieder, L., 2022. Electrical Conductivity as proxy for Enhanced Weathering. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Pfau, J., 2021. Compound Atmospheric Events Leading to Low Renewable Energy Supply. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Kollert, J., 2021. Communicating a Crisis: A Comparison of the COVID-19 Coverage in the German & UK Science Media Centers. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Alonso Segura Bermudez, J., 2020. On the Empirical Orthogonal Functions representation of the ocean circulation. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Caballero Espejo, M. E., 2019. Ecosystem-based Adaptation to future precipitation impact in Peru during Coastal-El Nino events. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Freisen, P., 2019. The role of Planetary Wave Resonance on Quasi-Stationary Weather Extremes. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Halder, S., 2019. The influence of soil hydrological parameters on the vegetations-climate interaction during the mid-Holocene in the Sahara. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Montoya Duque, E., 2019. Characterization of the Midwinter Suppression in the North Atlantic Storm Track and its Relation to Surface Weather Conditions in Europe. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Collao Aldave, M. J., 2019. Impacts of REDD+ on Livelihoods of Local Communities in the Peruvian Amazon. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Karamichail, S., 2018. Cold season CH4 Emissions from Polygonal Tundra in the Lena River Delta, Russia. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Klisho, T., 2018. Changes in climate and carbon cycle in CMIP6 idealized deforestation experiments. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Markkanen, J., 2018. Comparison of lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions, energy balances and sustainability indicators of crop- and waste-based biogas production. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Peng, Y., 2018. Carbon effects of the rural livelihood changes in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, China. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Wifling, M., 2018. Evaluating European Regulation on the CO2 Leaking Climate Risk of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Jung, H., 2018. Propagation of organized convention in a background wind flow. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Schmitz, L., 2018. Detecting changes at Antarctica ice-shelves with space-born L-band radiometry. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Suh, S., 2018. Climatological Analysis of High Speed Surface Wind (Wind Gusts) in Germany. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Rehder, Z., 2017. Links between sea-ice cover in the Laptev Sea and climatic conditions in a regional climate model. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Boampong, F., 2016. Carbonate weathering: temperature and saturation dependency in rivers and springs. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Muhammad, Y., 2016. Comparison of land surface temperatures of in situ and remote sensing measurements for the polygonal tundra of the Lena River Delta, Siberia. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Scheffold, M., 2016. The Influence of Cyanobacteria Blooms on the Ecosystem Functioning of the Baltic Sea Ecosystem. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Simpson, G., 2016. Spatial Heterogeneity of Evapotranspiration in the Polygonal Tundra of the Lena River Delta, Siberia. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Schreyer, F., 2016. Decision Under Climate Uncertainty: Learning in Target-Based Approaches. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Hoeppli, L., 2015. Carbon Dioxide production potential in soils of a degraded peatland. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Winkler, A., 2015. Temporal and spatial extrapolation of carbon dioxide exchange fluxes of polygonal tundra applying a satellite and reanalysis data-driven model. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Sommer, P., 2015. Bioenergy and irrigation in an integrated climate model analysis. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Burgard, C., 2015. Drivers of past and future Arctic sea-ice evolution in CMIP5 models. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Ludwig, V., 2015. Comparison of SMOS and SMAP satellite sea ice concentrations derived from 1.4 GHz brightness temperatures. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Suárez-Gutiérrez, L., 2015. Internal variability in tropical tropospheric temperature trends: simulations vs. observations. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Zeller, M., 2015. Predictability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation at 26.5°N in three differently initialized hindcast ensembles. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Al Kabir, O., 2014. Vulnerability, risk and climate adaption in the coastal area of Bangladesh. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Borchert, L., 2014. Integrated assessment and adaptive management of climate engineering. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Remke, T., 2014. On the variability in a regional climate model using dynamical downscaling with frequent reinitializations. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Bockermann, C., 2013. Potential temperature-induced changes in soil organic matter in a Mediterranean wetland, Southern Spain. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Walz, J., 2013. Organic matter mineralization in permafrost soils of the Northeast Siberian tundra. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Young, B., 2013. Moss-Associated Methane Oxidation: Investigation of Sphagnum mosses of a managed peatlands bog. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Leontiou, C., 2013. Assessment of enhanced weathering. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Okoro, S. U., 2013. Aerosol emissions: an analysis of the Environmental Kuznets Curve in Nigeria. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Secker, M., 2013. Investing Corporate Sustainability in large scale Hamburg corporations. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Stankoweit, M., 2013. Contributions to an integrated assessment of solar radiation management with MIND. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Chang, Y.-W., 2013. Dynamics of Brazil current rings. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Lee, M., 2013. Investigating Tropical Cyclogenesis in a General Circulation Model, PUMA. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Nikolaou, A., 2013. Structural stability of an ocean basin’s meridional circulation with respect to changes in the freshwater cycle. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Parsakhoo, Z., 2013. The variability and potential predictability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) in depth and density space. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Wolter, J., 2012. Parameterization of typical high northern wetland vegetation in a dynamic global vegetation model with their implications for the methane emissions of wetlands. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Bonatsos, K., 2012. Climate science in media representation; scientific credibility as the mediator of communicating science. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Petrova, I., 2012. Structural interrelationships between evaporation and precipitation: application of complex networks to satellite based fields. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Siligam, P., 2012. An algorithm to detect leads in sea ice using CryoSat-2 SAR level-1b data. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information
- Koon, M., 2011. Recovery of carbon and nutrients in lignocellulosic biomass during hydrothermal carbonization. M.Sc. Thesis Universität Hamburg, School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences. Further information